Back to School

Apparently being a student is ingrained in my blood, because it didn’t take too long for me to figure out a way to hit the books again. I decided to enroll in a one month long Italian course as, unfortunately, I’m running out of time to master the language over here. So, for 4 hours a day, I do my best to learn Italian as quickly as possible.

I’ve chosen to settle myself in Siena, a Tuscan town of about 60,000 people that is straight out of Medieval times. Living in an apartment with other students at the school, it takes me about 5 minutes to walk to classes in the morning, and about the same amount of time to reach the town’s main square. The apartment is situated in the corner of a piazza filled with university students in the evening and school-children at recess around lunchtime. Saint Francis’ Basilica dominates the square, even at nighttime when flood-lights constantly glow on the facade. Sitting in my room tonight I realize that, on the way home from school, I was able to stop in a salumeria, pasticceria, gelateria, enoteca (wine shop), and a basilica without so much as veering of course down a side street. I had always planned to buy a Vespa wherever I ended up staying, but it’s completely unnecessary here in Siena as everyone walks to get where they need to go.

While the ideal picture I had of myself living in Italy consisted of an apartment above a bakery with my Vespa parked out front, I’m starting to think that being next door neighbors with a basilica and having a balcony overlooking the Tuscan countryside is the better option.

…When do I have to start work again?