Benvenuti a Roma

After running around Rome for a couple days making my way around a few of the hundreds of churches, I packed my bags and headed to the airport. Where was I headed? Well, right back where I came from, with 2 extra travel partners. After 3 months of reading guidebooks nightly and about the same amount of time packing, my Mom and Dad finally made it to Italy.

Two days without sleep was nothing a couple of cafes couldn’t fix and, before they knew it, they were off an a whirlwind walking tour of the city guided by yours truly. It was great to see the wonder and amazement they had seeing streets, people, buildings, and culture that was all brand new. I think I had forgotten to truly appreciate the little things about places that make traveling such an enjoyable experience. Street performers, vendors, markets, out of control Vespas, colorful streets, hanging laundry, ornate churches, and buzzing piazzas are just a part of everyday life for a typical Italian (cough, cough, me) but to a couple of first timers it’s a sight to behold. Walking around a bit slower all day was just what I needed to gain back that appreciation that I’d somehow lost a little.

The years of theme park mastery accomplished by the Ferland family sure did come in handy as we walked nonstop from sight to sight, leaving no monument, building, or scarf shop (mom) unseen. Funny how after three and a half months apart, we really didn’t miss a beat…