Oslo, Norway

Upon arriving in Oslo, I made my way to the tourist center to figure out how I would spend the upcoming couple days. The city guide brochure was titled:

OSLO: Visit Peace

I thought this was tragically ironic given the recent attacks in the city. After wandering around, however, it made perfect sense. 2 minutes outside the city center, sounds of birds, trees, bikes, and the occasional car fill the air. People walking don’t seem to be in a hurry and drivers don’t get impatient at stop signs because, well, there are none. The typical Scandanavian streets are lined with colorful houses and lead at some point or another into a park. I visited a park lined with over a hundred statues of humans in their barest form in various positions and states of emotion. It was actually really interesting. Out on museum island, I hung out in another park, looking back at the city across the water, with dozens of sail boats cruising around the islands. There aren’t a whole lot of sites to see here in Oslo, but somehow I took more photos in a day than I have in weeks. I think that says something about this place…

I don’t know if it’s because I am a little worn down from traveling, or if it’s because I am getting a little sick, or maybe that my subconscious was telling me so, but there is something about this place that truly is peaceful, and I am happy to for the experience.