A Wedding to Remember

Every idea you’ve ever had about what an Italian wedding might be like is 100 percent true. The beautiful church, the rice, the singing, the dancing, the copious amounts of food, the proud grandparents dancing through the night, this wedding had it all. 

The wedding celebrations began the night before, at the serenata, a Romeo and Juliet like scene with the groom singing karaoke up to his soon to be bride on the balcony 3 floors up. Luckily, the entire condo complex is inhabitited by family, so the 100+ guests watching from the courtyard below weren’t disrupting the neighbors. After a few guest karaoke singers, a Congo line, and a surprise birthday cake for my Dad, we retired for the night.

The next morning, dressed to impress, we headed for the cathedral. I was given the incredible honor of being a testimone (witness) for Marta’s wedding, meaning I’d be up at the front for the ceremony as well as reading the psalm at Mass. Thankfully, the reading went smoothly and I don’t think I messed up any pronunciations! The ceremony was beautiful, and I feel truly blessed to have been a part of it. 

The reception was held at a resort overlooking the Adriatic, a picture perfect cliff side setting. We were served more appetizers than I’d ever seen before being told we were moving inside for the real meal…what? Every course was broken up by traditional Italian couples dances, rose ceremonies, Applausos, and Italian Electric Slides. We danced into the night, and by we I mean everyone, including Maria, Marta’s grandmother, who had more energy than anyone at the wedding I think. 

An experience I’ll never forget, with the people that mean the most: once again, la famiglia…