Arriviamo a Vasto

The 3 hour bus ride from Rome was just long enough for everyone to cool down from the dash to the bus station. Upon arriving in Vasto, we were greeted by the smiling faces of our cousins Marta and Loredana. Introductions were in order for everyone, while for me it was a feeling of elation to be back with the family I have such fond memories with.

Dinner with the family had an even bigger crowd than expected, as everyone was in town for the wedding. There was no easing back into my Italian as I was left as the lone translator at the dinner table for a couple hours…va bene! A couple caffes and a bachelor party later, my first night back in Italy was a success…meno male.

We spent the next day exploring the quaint little town of Vasto, sipping espresso and practicing Italian. We scouted out the wedding cathedral, shown in the photo above, and made our way down to the marina for a little passegiata along the beach. 

Traveling with my entire family has been a new experience for me, something that’s been truly rewarding as I’m able to share the thrills and excitement that come with exploring new places and meeting new faces along the way. Add to that the hospitality we’ve received from even more family in Vasto, and you realize Italy is most definitely meant to be experienced with la famiglia.