An Italian Thanksgiving

Being away from home for my first holiday was not something I was looking forward to, but I managed to help put together a pretty respectable Thanksgiving here in Italy. Myself and another American roommate did our best to show the guests just what Thanksgiving was all about, and how exactly one is supposed to eat mashed potatoes and gravy. I’m not sure they quite understood the types of food that are typical though, as some guests walked in holding a big pot of pasta. Like I said, a meal isn’t complete in Italy without at least a little bit of pasta, Thanksgiving or not! Besides the pasta that was served as a first course, the meal was about as American as it gets: Turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, apple pies, the works. I somehow managed to stay awake long enough after the feast to talk to my family as well, capping off the day.

All that was missing was a little bit of football, but hey, I can’t ask for everything!