Forza Siena

I hate to admit it, but I’m actually starting to really enjoy watching soccer. After all the years of bashing it for being too uneventful and boring, I now stand corrected. Aside from the game itself, the atmosphere and energy of the fans makes it pretty difficult not to like the sport. I’d like to consider myself a pretty dedicated fan to my sports teams, so I can appreciate seeing young kids below me, done-up girls to my right, father and son behind me, and seniors on my left, all yelling for their team with the same energy and dedication in their voice. Funny enough, they all happen to choose the same words as well, the ones I haven’t exactly been taught in my classes.

After attending a match last week and learning some chants, I was ready to support the squad when Inter-Milan came to town. The stadium was packed as Inter is one of the most well known teams in Europe. Siena put up a great fight, but unfortunately allowed a goal in the second to last minute to lose 1-0. It was a heartbreaking loss, but on the bright side, at least I have some new chants to sing in the shower:

“Che bello è, quando esco di casa, per andare allo stadio, e tifare la Robur! Che bello è…”