
Two months on the rails away from home has gotten to be a little bit wearing, so meeting up with some family was exactly what the doctor ordered! Here in Vasto, Italy, everything is about the family. I felt welcome the moment I arrived and I’ve had a great time meeting everyone and enjoying the warm weather at the beach. The photo was taken at the end of our 3 hour lunch that consisted of meats, cheeses, salads, lasagna, pork loin, fruits, pastries, vino, and of course caffe…buon apetito! Only about half of the family I’ve met are shown here, with the others living close by, if not in the same complex. I’ve learned a lot about where I come from and just how important family really is. My Italian is coming along slowly, but surely, and I’m getting used to the daily espresso shots.

I also was introduced to the best creation known to man: the Nutella pizza. Freshly baked salty pizza crust on top and bottom, nutella inside (a lot), and powdered sugar on the outside. Could it get much better? I think not.

My cousin Marta has been my guide and translator here, I don’t know what I would do without her! She has introduced me (piacere!) to everyone, shown me around, and taught me about the history of the Salvatorelli’s, my Nonnie’s family. Life has slowed down a little bit, and that’s just fine…Sto bene

More photos and updates to come…Ciao