Full Circle

In July of 2007, along with 30 or so other students, I took a South American geography test under the dim light of a rainforest lodge somewhere in the Peruvian Amazon. Of all the tests I’ve taken in my life, I remember that one the most vividly, as I treated it as more of a checklist of all the places and landscapes I wanted to see than any sort of exam.

This entire trip has been manifesting itself in my head since the day I took that test. As I sit here on my flight back to California, I’m having a difficult time grasping the idea that I just experienced being present in each and every one of those answers I scribbled down 6 years ago.

I knew back then, and it didn’t require going on this trip for me to realize, but it sure became all the more clear in the last 6 weeks or so, that this world truly is a beautiful place.

Thanks for coming along for the ride once again, see you on the next continent!