Iguazu Falls

After squeezing in one last fresh coconut in Rio, the next stop on the adventure was Iguazu Falls, one of the largest waterfalls in the world. Splitting Brazil and Argentina, Iguazu Falls can be accessed from both countries, with awe-inspiring and unique views from each.

Down to one Australian travel partner, we got settled on the Argentinian side and headed to the falls, not entirely sure what to expect. After walking along makeshift river platforms for a mile or so, we arrived to the top of the falls. Perched right over the largest section of the 3 km waterfall, a small railing was all that stood between us and the “Devil’s Throat” portion of the falls. The deafening roar of the water was mesmerizing, as looking down into the abyss brought on a slight feeling of vertigo. Standing right on top of an unstoppable force of nature was an unforgettable experience.

We weren’t done, however. Argentina has built a set of pathways that bring you on top, inside, and below many of the falls. We spent the day exploring and capturing jaw dropping view after another. We even took a boat ride/shower up underneath the second largest portion of the falls, it’s just too bad we didn’t get the memo to wear a swimsuit! Having already been soaked, we headed off the main falls to a trail through the jungle that ended at a relatively minuscule falls with a pool below. After taking a dip, we of course got stuck in a torrential downpour, which turned into basically a monsoon by the time we finished the hour long trek back to the park entrance. From the Devil’s Throat, to the boat trip under the falls, to the monsoon, we had conquered Iguazu falls. Throw in almost getting run over by a slow moving train, and we had quite the day!

As if day 1 wasn’t enough it was time to head over to the Brazilian side for the grand overview of the falls. Armed with rain jackets, we took in the panoramas we had been smack dab in the middle of the day before. The Brazilian side did not disappoint, providing not only the panoramic views but also platforms that put us right in the path of a portion of the mighty falls. Standing on the ledge looking down on the rainbow filled river below while being drenched by the nonstop onslaught of water was an experience that will stick with me for the rest of my days.

Refreshed. Amazed. Humbled.

What an experience.