Lemons, Linen, and Good Livin'

Our time in Positano was a perfect mix of adventure and relaxation. Dinners overlooking the sea below, coast stretching for miles, made for an excellent backdrop to the plethora of lemon products and linen shops the region is famous for. A little retail therapy for the ladies and some dips in the teal blue water signaled the beginning of a true vacation. 

The first adventure was a hike aptly named the The Path of the Gods. The trail traversed high up on the cliffs, providing stunning views of the coastline and plenty of great photo ops. Another day, we took a small boat over to and around the island of Capri, stopping along the way to hop in. One side note, apparently jellyfish can smell fear, as the only person worried about getting stung was my sister, and, wouldn’t you know it, she did. Being a trooper, though, she survived, even without anyone peeing on the sting. The last mini adventure was a trip into Naples for the day for some mozzarella di bufala and some pizza from its birthplace. Naples is raw and grimy, but I thoroughly enjoyed perusing the streets and soaking it all in. A stopover in Sorrento for some cocktails and limoncello at sunset made for a proper sendoff from the region. 

Next up, Croatia!