Diving in Dubrovnik

It was bittersweet to leave Italia, but I couldn’t help but be excited that our next stop was going to be one of my favorites from my previous trip: Dubrovnik, Croatia. 

Before catching an overnight ferry from Italy, we happened to stumble upon a small restaurant in the port town we were leaving from. The meal was a perfect sendoff, filled with all sorts of different appetizers, topped off with a meaty pasta handmade by the “woman who lives over there.” Buono!

Upon arrival in Dubrovnik, after walking the city walls, I had one mission:

Find rocks. Jump off rocks.

Once again, Dubrovnik did not disappoint, as my favorite activity became a family affair. First Jen, then Dad, then me. The crystal clear water shone bright blue as we made our way into the cliffside cave I’d discovered on the last trip. Dubrovnik is about as picturesque as it gets, and small enough to meander around exploring little side streets and climbing the endless amount of stairs. We enjoyed dinners, winebars, and cable cars as our relentless pace finally slowed down a bit.

Dubrovnik marked the last stop for the family adventure together, as my parents and Aunt and Uncle headed back to the States while the youngn’s stayed behind for some more adventuring. An unforgettable trip together, an experience I’ll always cherish.

Where to next?