The Ultimate Hill Town

From Siena, I headed further south to Orvieto, another hill town that is a bit more accessible, just off the main train line. Orvieto has some great views,as you can imagine, and the most intricate facade on a Duomo I have seen thus far. The town is known for its Duomo and ceramics, which fill almost every shop lining the narrow streets.

The main reason I came to Orvieto, though, was for the easy access to the hill town of hill towns: Civita di Bagnoregio

Perched at the top of a pinnacle carved out on all sides, “Civita” is connected to Bagnoregio by a small foot bridge. It is incredible to see this town from a distance, the lone remnant that remains in the surrounding canyon. I feel as though Walt Disney should have modeled something in Disneyland after Civita, it’s got that kind of mystique to it. It reminded me of the Eiffel Tower, in the sense that I think I could stare at it every day and still be amazed and intrigued.

Once I was finished soaking in the view, I made the hike up to the top to explore a bit. There’s not too much going on in the town so, after munching on some homemade bruschetta, I headed back down the hill to catch my bus to Orvieto and the gelato that was calling my name…