Vespas, Wine Tasting, and Tuscan Sun

I think I can go home satisfied now. Aside from starting a gelato shop in Italy, my other main goal was to ride around on a Vespa. Well Christmas came early this year because I realized that goal before I had anticipated. When my Siena roommates mentioned they wanted to rent scooters and head south to some other hill towns and wineries, I wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity to realize my dream!

Getting to Montalcino from Siena was going to be about an hour drive, er, scoot. I’m not gonna lie, I was a little nervous about manuevering through Italian traffic on a little scooter, especially after seeing that we would have to travel on somewhat main roads. Nevertheless, nothing was going to stop us, and we headed off. Once we were comfortable with the bikes, the ride was great, and after we climbed the hill to Montalcino, it felt nice to enjoy the sun, as the morning air made the ride a little chilly. From there, we headed outside the city to the St. Antimo monastery, where the monks chant daily. Hearing the Gregorian chanting was incredible. I could see how a life of contemplation could easily be the norm in this area; not a sound to be heard, save the rustling of olive tree branches and grapevines.

We then traveled to a few different wineries, tasting the famous Brunello di Montalcino wine, winding through dirt roads, rolling hills, and grapevines. The views from the wineries were the kind that make you not want to move, let alone leave. One winery had Mozart playing, which we thought was to set the mood, which it did very well. Apparently, though, they are actually playing the music for the grapes. Whatever the strategy, they’re doing something right around here because the wine isn’t too shabby.

The journey back to Siena across the hills of fields and grapevines was about as cliche as it gets. With the sun setting on my left, and my shadow desperately trying to keep up in the field on my right, I had not a worry in the world.

It was the perfect farewell to Tuscany, I hope too see it again soon…