
As the 10th anniversary of September 11th is upon us, we are reminded of the tragedy that impacted the lives of so many people on that fateful day. Whether directly or indirectly affected by the attacks, we as Americans feel the pain and sorrow for the tragedy experienced by so many people and our nation as a whole.

Sometimes tragedy occurs on a smaller scale, but has the same effect.

Two members of the family here in Vasto were taken away too soon. In 2004, at 44, Marta’s father was taken after suffering from cancer. That same year, Maria and Cesario’s youngest son, Cristian, was tragically killed in a car accident at just 30 years old. Cesario has never been the same. Though he is physically gone, it is clear that he lives on. His photos, awards, and diplomas fill the walls of the house. Cristian was an adventure seeker, a traveller, a soldier, a son, a brother, and an uncle. The outpouring of love that comes from the family’s memories of him makes it clear just how wonderful of a person he was.

My visit to the cemetery was a somber, yet worthwhile experience. As I prayed for the souls of the two men lost that tragic year, as well as for the rest of the family there, I knew that those left behind would never get over what happened. What I also realized was that there is no need to. The effect of the tragedies shows just how beautiful each person was, and the grief shared by everyone is a true testament to their importance to the family, both before and after death.

Tragedies come in all shapes and sizes. What must remain constant is the respite from our troubles: Faith in God and the Hope for a future with Him.

May perpetual light shine upon the souls lost those 10 short years ago, and on Livio and Cristian as well.