Welcome to New Zealand

Just like that, a month has already passed in my retirement, and with it, my time in Australia. Without fail, no matter how much time I plan in a given country, it’s never enough. There’s always more to see, more to experience, more to add to the list. Thankfully, I can always return, and perhaps I will sooner rather than later.

As for now, though, it’s on to greener pastures (literally). Upon arrival in New Zealand, I was immediately struck by how green most everything on the North Island was. Greens I hadn’t seen since my time in Switzerland and Austria however many years ago. Rolling hills running into dense forests, up to scraggly peaks, back down into rolling hills, the sheer amount of open space on such a small land mass is truly refreshing.

The best way to experience the heart of what New Zealand has to offer is to drive its roads. So, I rented a car/home for a week, and off I went, zig-zagging my way from Auckland down to Wellington, the major hubs and the tips of the north island. My first stop was at the Bay of Islands, a string of islands out along the coast, with bright green hills and dolphin-filled turquoise waters. Cruising straight under the “Hole in the Rock” and scaling islands for some impressive panoramas made for a great introduction to New Zealand. Apparently, it only gets more beautiful as you head south.

I have a feeling I’m going to like it here…