Chianti Country

Jodi, Karen, and I figured that since we were so close, it was probably a good idea to head up to the northern part of Tuscany to sample some of the famous Chianti wine. After booking the tour bus, I can’t say I was surprised to see that I was a good 30 years younger than about 90% of the clientele. I guess that’s what happens when you travel in October! The wine most definitely did not disappoint, and now I’ll be lugging around a nice heavy bottle of Chianti Classico for the next couple months.

The tour also took us to San Gimignano, an Italian hill town famous for its many towers scattered throughout the hilltop. The town itself is mostly touristy, but it’s not hard to see why. A town filled with iconic towers overlooking some of the most famous wine country in the world makes for a pretty good vacation destination. You can’t help but sit down and enjoy watching the world pass by while your own world stands still. It’s encouraging to know that all the sights that you need to see in a place like this can be seen in one location: the chair, or step, that you’re sitting on, wherever that may be. My spot was on the edge of the city wall, looking out over the country side with a glass of Chianti and a gelato.

It is a Dolce Vita indeed.