Here I Go Again

Aside from the Italian wedding last summer, my days over the past year and a half have gone more or less something like this:

1) Wake up
2) Go to work for 8-12 hours
3) Come home, watch a lecture, study, or do homework until I’m either too tired or can’t concentrate any longer
4) Rinse and Repeat

Any extras on the side like coaching little kids basketball or weekend trips away always carried with it the unfortunate consequence of having to squeeze my schedule even more than it already was to begin with.

So, as I sit here on my 11 hour flight to South America, my home for the next 6 weeks, l look at my nonexistent agenda and breath a sigh of relief. That light at the end of the tunnel that seemed so painstakingly long a year ago has finally been reached…and it feels good!

This adventure will bring me to Rio De Janeiro to celebrate New Year’s Eve, Buenos Aires for some Tango dancing, down to the southern tip of the world, up through Patagonia for some much needed quality time with the outdoors, and finally through the Salt Flats of Bolivia before heading home.

I’ll do my best to bring you all along for the ride with me through my photos and reflections. And just in case I irritate that travel itch you’ve been ignoring, I still need a hiking partner for Patagonia!
