
In all my previous travels, there’s been a language barrier that’s added a bit of mystery and adventure to the sights and scenery. Upon touching down in Sydney, though, it all felt…familiar. I could read every sign. Everyone had an answer for my questions. I could actually ask questions. In English. I didn’t even have to point and make up my own dialect of sign language. Sure, I’m still travelling, but the ease and familiarity of it all has at times caused me to forget that I am quite literally half a world away.

Sydney is, unequivocally, stunning. The views from the harbour, both from land and sea are mesmerizing. I found myself staring at the Opera House from every which angle, as I couldn’t help it capturing my gaze. Neighborhoods perched on the surrounding rolling hills provide innumerable glances at the skyline, best viewed from the rooftop bars and restaurants speckled throughout the city.

Sydney is clean. It’s bustling, yet surprisingly peaceful. While some locals may protest, it’s very easy to navigate by public transit. It’s connected. In less than 30 mins, you can take a ferry from the main harbour area to most every corner of the surrounding neighborhoods leading out to the Pacific. It’s global. Asian, European, even Mexican (!) cuisine can be found within walking distance from any place in the city…and it’s all delicious! Great food was not something I was expecting as I planned my trip to Sydney, but I was pleasantly surprised.

Taking in the city sights, exploring the character-filled neighborhoods, and relaxing on the soft-sand beaches, I’m ashamed to admit that I was looking to finish the sentence of, “Yeah, Sydney is great, but…” and I never could do it. I still can’t. Aside from a high cost of living, and perhaps some onerous liquor laws, the city is great in every way. It’s easy on all the senses:

Gorgeous. Quiet. Fresh. Warm. Delicious.

Well, there is one thing: The WiFi is trash. When your hostel charges $5 for a day’s worth of slow internet, there’s a problem.

Hey, there’s got to be something wrong with this place, right?