blue mountains

Escaping the City

While Sydney really is a great city, I tend to relish in my time outside the concrete walls and happenings of city life. Thankfully, with a short 2-hour train ride from the city center, it’s possible to escape into some pretty pristine environments. The Blue Mountains get their namesake from the reaction of chemicals within the Eucalyptus leaves with the air. A blue haze results, which blankets the rolling hills of forests. From photos, I didn’t expect to be too impressed, but it really is striking when you first see it. Perhaps I arrived at the right time, as the late morning haze had yet to lift from the afternoon sun. There’s plenty to do in the relatively large National Park. I chose to escape the throngs of Selfie Sticks and walk a loop trail that brought me to the 3 Sisters, through Rainforest, under and above waterfalls, and apparently through some (very angry) bird habitats. Giant cockatoos and parrots were none too thrilled that I was trespassing along their trail. After a long day of hiking, I enjoyed a meat pie that I’d heard so much about (it did not disappoint) and headed back to Sydney, rejuvenated by my break from the city, and ready to do some urban exploration once more.

As I think about it, aside from the great food, views, and activities the city offers, it’s really the accessibility to nature that has me so keen on Sydney. The city is there for the taking, but a short ferry ride gets you to a serene coastline, or a secluded community, where the hustle and bustle is no more than a backdrop to your day’s activities, or lack thereof.