Rainforest Beaches

I’ve always seen photos of palm trees, ferns and other rainforest foliage draped out across pristine beaches, and wondered why, of all the beaches I’ve been to, I’d never actually been on a rainforest beach. Well, consider that accomplished. An hour or two north of Cairns lies the Daintree Rainforest, supposedly the oldest rainforest in the world. Hugging the coastline, the Daintree is filled with everything you’d expect in a rainforest: innumerable shades of green, funky trees, rivers, alien looking creatures, and, of course, giant spiders. Oh, and rain. Lots of rain. Thankfully, the rain came and went, and didn’t put too much of a damper on the day. After sampling some exotic ice cream flavors (Black Sapote, and Wattleseed, for those interested), my day of trekking, swimming, crocodile crossings, and spider spotting was complete.

The photo above is from the beach at Cape Tribulation, named by Captain James Cook after his crew’s troubles began in the area. Pristine beach, views, and rainforest, I’d finally found it. What I didn’t expect to find as well was a stern warning to not go near the water, as it was filled with poisonous jellyfish. Box jellyfish, among others.

Australia giveth, and Australia sting-eth away.