
The Whitsundays

Sprinkled off the central Queensland coast lies a series of a few dozen islands called the Whitsundays. The Whitsundays are an ideal place for sailing, as they provide many different coves, snorkeling spots, and beaches to explore. I decided to book an overnight sailing trip, as I wanted to take advantage of the chance to sleep out on the water under the stars, but not spend so much time out on the water that I’d permanently become an even darker shade of red than I’ve turned into already. The trip got off to an adventurous start, as we sailed through about 15 minutes of driving rain before we made it far enough offshore for the skies to open up to the shades of crystal blue so predominant in the region.

The two days consisted of exactly what a sailing excursion should entail. Island hopping, snorkeling stops, turtle, dolphin, eagle, and jellyfish spotting, and acoustic karaoke under the canopy of the Milky Way. The crown jewel of the Whitsundays is Whitehaven beach, a blinding white silicon beach with transparent shallow waters as far as the eye can see. I found my zone on a sandbank off shore, as turquoise tides from all directions crashed over me, spread-eagle in my stinger suit.

I haven’t decided what experience was more quintessential, lying down in one of the most beautiful places on earth shrouded in full body jellyfish armor, or singing Land Down Under beneath the nightlight of the Southern Cross. Either way, I’m now convinced I’m getting the full on Aussie experience.

Can’t cha hear, can’t cha hear that thundahh…